10 Podcasts About the Law to Listen to in 2018

The team at The Ryan Law Group pick their favorite legal podcasts

The Bello Collective
4 min readMar 1, 2018
Photo by João Silas on Unsplash

At The Ryan Law Group, many of our lawyers and paralegals are avid podcast listeners (we’re based in Los Angeles, so we have plenty of time to digest podcasts during our daily commutes). Podcasts on the topic of law can be so detailed and specific that they become inaccessible to lay audiences, so we’ve put together a list of shows we think anyone can enjoy.

Know a legal show we should check out? Let us know about it in the comments below.

Legal Podcasts for Everyone

I couldn’t write a law podcast run-down without including Radiolab Presents: More Perfect. Much like its parent show, Radiolab, More Perfect has Jad and Robert and their amazing staff of journalists investigating various US Supreme Court decisions. With their familiar stuttering curiosity they look at the political climate surrounding each case and the ultimate consequences it created, both intended and unintended.

Start with: Cruel and Unusual

The Criminal Injustice podcast focuses on the criminal justice system and what is wrong with it. Each episode, hosted by David Harris, takes an investigative look at a specific issue concerning criminal law and punishment. Injustice is a great name for this show as each episode will leave you angry at a broken system.

Start with: Punishment for Profit

Law360 has a podcast called Pro Say, a casual discussion show with hosts Amber McKinney, Bill Donahue, and Alex Lawson. What makes it unique is the expertise the hosts — one moment they’re having a topic discussion on a news items, they next they’re discussing the legal language of a contract. Engaging and accessible.

Start with: Ep. 40: Kozinski’s Retirement Won’t Quiet The Law’s #MeToo Push

Life of the Law doesn’t fit exactly in this list but is so good I had to include it (and hey, it has law in the title, right?). This podcast explores how specific laws affect certain people. Their stories focus on individuals or communities where a particular law has become a roadblock.

Start with: Government Ghost

Opening Arguments opens with Michael Scott of The Office screaming, “I declare bankruptcy.” This intro sets the tone for what is best described as humorous commentary on recent events. These hosts are likable, and the hour-long episodes are worth listening to when you have the time.

Start with: The Satanic Temple

Podcasts for Law Professionals

If you do work with the law directly, there are some great shows that go deep on the profession. The topics are generally range from conversations about running a law firm, to industry related news, to a legal view of the headlines. While the intended audience is members of the legal community, if you like hearing analysis from professional lawyers they might be worth giving a listen.

The Gen Why Lawyer is a podcast hosted by California Patent Attorney Karima Gulick. Through interviews with lawyers in a wide range of topics, you’ll learn actionable advice and hear honest anecdotes of the struggles and rewards of being a lawyer. Although not explicitly touted as an “advice” podcast, the lawyers in my office all point to this podcast as teaching them the most about the business side of running a firm.

Start with: Winning Your Case in the Court of Public Opinion with Wayne Pollock

For a lighter look at legal issues in the news there is Thinking Like A Lawyer. Sure, hosts Elie Mystal and Joe Patrice have a good time poking fun at each other, but this show isn’t all jokes: each episode includes an guest expert to help them explore the headlines.

Start with: How Hulk Hogan Ruined America

The Legal Talk Network has a number of podcasts, and while most are forgettable, Lawyer 2 Lawyer with Bob Anderson and John Malcolm is the best of the bunch. Each episode clocks in around 30 minutes and tackles the biggest stories of the day. Lately that has been mostly politics, but they’ve also discussed national tragedies, technology stories, and business. It plays much like a mature NPR news discussion show, complete with mild mannered hosts and expert call-in guests.

Start with: The Legal Issues Stemming from the Las Vegas Tragedy

The Legal Current podcast is published by Thomson Reuters, which operates a handful of data services that most law firms use daily. This is a very polished and professional podcast. Mostly featuring interviews, the show tackles newsworthy law issues and provides very detailed analysis on each subject. A must-listen for any lawyers, but is also captivating enough that anyone could find its bite-size episodes enjoyable.

Start with: Will the Supreme Court Legalize Sports Gambling?

In Modern Law Library, Lee Rawles interviews authors of recently published books. If you are an avid reader, this is a fantastic podcast to pick your next selection.

Start with: Barbie v. Bratz: What happened when toy titans took each other to court

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